"Only Satan could lead so many into the wholesale slaughter, bloodshed, and torture used by all of the major religions."

- Considering that throughout history, the majority of humanity have believed in gods and have been responsible for the minority of wars. Most wars are secular in nature. In fact by far the most bloodshed has nothing at all to do with religion.

Religion is abused in all sorts of ways and used as an excuse to war with others, but the basis of the Christian faith is very clear - 'love your enemies' and 'serve others needs instead of your own' and I can keep trotting them out. Because religion (like anything else) can be abused, it does not follow that religion is inherently destructive.

How are the non-religious doing? How many Christians do I know who give up everything and serve others? Many. The quiet revolution that you will never hear about because they are told to 'do what you do privately, seeking no reward'.

Do not for one moment think you understand Christianity. You only hear and see the minority of loud and violent people who have wilfully ignored the message at the heart of Christianity. You do not see the millions who just go about their business, doing good.

It's easy to sit where you are and criticize Christianity, but it is a good deal nearer the solution to human problems than anything else is. It is the only real religion that deals with an internal struggle to overcome selfishness and do what is best for others, the community and the world as a whole.

DA, you have asked why I reject all other religions. The answer is that Christianity is the only one that deals with the heart of the issue. All other religions and ideologies are either wishy-washy feel good rubbish that have no real application to the real world, or they are like Islam which is all about an external struggle. Christianity is the only one with the central idea that on our own we just cannot do the right thing, but all other religions pander to the idea that we can do it ourselves and earn our way into heaven.

Does anyone want to stand up for the idea that the human race can get it right on its own?

Since the UK has thrown off the ?shackles? of Christianity, we have lurched from one social disaster to another, and from one low to another. Let?s have a Guiness Book of Records for that ? youngest teen mum (in fact forget the word ?teen?), the youngest child murderer, the youngest child to rape a teacher (currently 12). The annual amount of children who lose their virginity when drunk - the annual amount of teen pregnancies/abortions. Youngest person using drugs. Worst ?happy slapping? ? the highest amount of children sedated with Ritalin. The book would run and run. So what teaches moral responsibility in the place of Christianity today? ? well in the UK we have a rather noticeable gap, and I can?t see it being filled anytime soon.
