Wonderful Words Mung.. You see capability to learn is almost always equivalent to What needs to be learnt in this Fuzzy World...This is the beginging of Grand Unification of Science,Arts and Religion.
Your words are worth repeating again:
"I weep for I have not found scienceagogo years ago I really wish I had. I graduated high school, dropped out of college twice.. work in a distribution warehouse.. I have no formal science education from an institution of higher learning. But I am (almost) addictively drawn to this site because I know that the people partaking here enjoy discovery; this I share.
Finally the problem:
"A problem with a forum is that obviously that the subtle nonverbal cues are absent. It is difficult to discern the tone of a post. As such, I find it helpful to try to understand a post as it is written; and to not make assumptions. "- Thats the beauty of it .. it forces you to think ... it is the benchmark of critical Thinker.
Feel free to ask anything.. even if it is very trivial. I will to answer if it goes with my thread .. as I limited time to read and reply.

Wish you all the best in your search.