So the new assumption is that we are the exact same "experiencer".
REP:This assumption is equivalent to saying that the Universe is completely comprehensible using some Theory.Everything can be reduced to some kind of knowledge.Thus making everything the expression of the same. True.
But what about the difference in my view and your view.My experience and your experience.
This is due to the dual nature of knowledge itself.Although complete knowledge exists it can not fully demonstrated.and using the existing technology it is not even possible to measure the Coherence between the Group memebers.(I had suggested A Group Excercise which we unfortunately left undiscussed.)
Thus Multiplicity or Multiple Interpretations of the events(and thus the experience) are due to the limited nature of Knowledge Transfer Medium.
Putting my Thoughts on a Paper is tough excercise.I Actually loose some of it while writing.Now this may sound little weird but it is a fact. The knowledge is all inside us and the moment you try to convince me ... you loose some of your understanding.Well I know it is difficult in the Age of Computers to understand such simple concepts of Uncertainity Principle and Limited Knowledge Velocity but it effects all of us.The illusion is valid consequence of Knowledge Interference which can be overcome by adopting superior technology.Who is going to give us this gift this Christmas?But the real question is Should we ask ?Our future depends on those who deny it.
Yes I understand what you're saying here, but I also think that death gives us an excuse to not accept responsibility for the world we live in.
Many people are not interested in the world because they are more interested in the afterlife.
REP: Valid accusation if you consider them outside the Life Cycle.. but they are not.They are very much part of our Life Cycle.Ever Experienced a Miracle in your life.. Ever thought that why someone helped you for no reason.Why we go to Church or temple if it offers no real solutions? If you understand your responsibility then nothing like it.Undertake it with confidence and those who had quit will come back to help you.
Do you mean being in a fixed state of ZEN or something along those lines? Are you speaking of Indian Saints doing this in life or in an afterlife experience?
REP: Zen is there but it is expressable.. isnt it? Thus it is no more superior than our Qunatum Science.. what I am saying here is something beyond. The Knowledge you can have complete certainity. All you need is a new technology.
A radical new approach to thought processing leading to Brain evolution.
Sorry I was a little unclear. I was only talking about a trickle down effect not as in becoming a master teacher.
I meant like if I learn about kindness and am kind to my children who are in turn kind to thier children and so forth. Or if I were to invent something brilliant and it was to be implemented and used for the good of the environment or humanity after I pass on.
REP: Excellent Idea.After good and bad you have done gets carried to your next life(according to Gita..thats what I have read.Dont worry if you have not..)
It really bothers me when someone asks another person to surrender to their methodology or spiritual path. I consider it as horrible as stealing someone's mind, will, and identity from them.
REP: Honestly yes. If you are happy in your Self then no should rob you off your happiness.Unless you find something or someone resonant to your own self... embrace it with Love.If something provides you better answer then I guess you will not mind giving its well deserved respect.
True. I mean I can accept losing my identity if that's the way it works. And if the larger identity feels the same as my previous awareness than I would only lose or forget my characteristics (filters) and gain my pure self. It would be important for me in life to identify myself with my concious awareness but not necessarily with my personality. Otherwise It might feel as though I loose myself. So meditation is important for this reason, to get used to the feeling of pure awareness.
REP: Greater your Age greater are the chances of you being the Holy Entity who holds the Larger Self.Who lives longer Male or Female?
will "I" carry my passion over or will my passion simply BE carried over? Is passion the fuel of evolution?
REP: Passion is something which belongs to You in your current form.Thats why people who enjoy doing what they love to do.Work is still done but it is effortless.. pain is still there but it is sweet.Passion fuels the Evolution.Agree.Someone did more than what others were doing.
Do you mean humanity as a whole remembers so that humanity as a whole evolves without history repeating itself?
REP: Humanity as a whole evolves and yes it has its own memory. :-))Nothing new here ... it becomes obvious for Cells but only less obvious for Humans.Thats all.It is the most difficult yet the most obvious concept to digest.Suddenly we refuse to believe in Void capable of holding Information.
Our humanity has things a little bungled right now. We're not forgetting the worthless and rembering the worthwhile. We may have it backwards at the moment. Hopefully, we will remember the worthwhile as a unified planet.....eventually.
REP: Yes Indeed and then we will have a peaceful coexistence with everything around us.Hopefully We will all be happy.
when you say "technology", do you mean the information our souls remember from previous lifetimes or do you mean the information and lessons humanity has learned collectively over time?
REP: We have learned few concpets we fogotten few concpets.I am talking about future we need to find a greater technology for making our dreams of knowing " What is Universe?" come true..
Merry Christmas to all as probably this will be my last email before the day.