If we were to assume that life is not pointless and has meaning... I do see alot of learning in all these crazy defects, illnesses and suffering.
REP: Yes ... there is a lot to learn.Every disease has a leasson in built into it.Its for the benefit of Life to carry on itself for the longest time.Indeed Life itself wants to remain immortal.
It seems like the soul has to learn to give up control. Let others take care of us. Other people or a higher power. Or maybe they are one in the same.
REP: Interesting but once you loose you know you have gained yourself.You are in the domain of Peferction where the linearity is merely your answer to impress others and non-linearity is to make your own self the desire of Universe.
Universe attracts you like your soulmate who obeys your every desire.
It's such a huge thing to realize we can't control our lives...we influence our lives but we do not have control.
REP: Answer to that is we often mess up our own lives by ignoring the underlying truth of Nature.
Just like m-theory.It happens before every revolution.Not a surprise to me but sadly it still surprises not many.
That's the big first step that heals many addicts. That first step...I can't remember the wording but I understand the first steps basically encourage the individual to realize they can't control their addiction and turn over the reigns to their higher power (and each other)....And it works...Weird but true.
REP: Addicts or no-addicts it doesnt matter.Life gave you a gift .. just like Alexander got his own and used for his own desires.
Religion can be a form of control or a way for us to control our reality, too. People who live beyond the rules, secularly, give up that control.
REP: Hmmm.. Secularly the nature treats everyone on the same footing.Gives you a lot.So much that no Weirdo can give you.It offers you the Universe and they all they promise is some short story.

If we can realize and accept that we don't control anything, that we only have some influence on even our own lives...maybe so many harsh lessons wouldn't be presented to us. And the other side to those lessons are that though we can't always manage (control) our life on our own, many challenges are manageable when we depend on each other.

It's an interesting thought if we are all one organism made up of the illusion of being seperate parts and we are trying to teach ourself that single lesson through all kinds suffering. Suffering well joy as well because we learn interdependence through love and joy, too.

Funny how all the natural psychosocial developmental stages teach us autonomy when the real lesson (meaning?) in life is interdependence.