Chris Maxwell wrote:
"without christianity particlely we would be still worshiping the sun- god , the world a savage place"

Somehow Chris managed to miss the fact that Christians, most often operating under the banner of Christianity, have been responsible for more murder, torture, and rape than all of other religions that have ever existed combined: Including atheists and animists.

How did you do that Chris? Inability to read or inability to do math?

Or is this the point where you declare that those that believe in what you believe in are "true" Christians and that all of the other people going to church are believers of the wrong form of Christianity.

Jesus Christ had a really bad weekend.

People with cancer often suffer far worse and do so for years.

Jesus Christ cured a few pathetic individuals.

Dr. Salk cured millions.

As a Christian you've nothing to say of interest unless it is an apology for the appalling inhumanity and hypocrisy of your bretheren.

DA Morgan