Dear DA

DA Said...
And that why can only be answered in one of three ways:
1. Your god didn't know penicillin existed.
2. Your god knew about penicillin and kept secret.
3. Your god doesn't exist.

You tell me ... which of these 3 you believe. It is, after all, your personal god.

Speaking for myself ... if (1) Then god didn't create it ... if (2) god is a genocidal maniac filled with hate and malice. Thus I choose 3.

my answer....
You sound like you Hate God. To have an emotion regarding what you consider nonexistant takes a lot of energy that you shouldn't be wasting.

If you don't find God, that is your fault not God's. It isn't my job to prove God exists, it is only my job to Seek whether he does or not.
All fresh dies, why? When you read about Genocide in the Bible, you have to be specific.

In my world there is Faith that God exists and evidence that Man is Foulable. You show me where man is infoulable and I will show you evidence of God.

I think to much I think