It is my assumption that this is a neverending process because once complete harmony is achieved and GOD can no further evolve because technical and subjective perfection has been realized, than GOD collapses and regenerates with a BIG BANG because life is a constant state of movement. So GOD (life) is an eternal cycle of evolution to BANG to evolution to BANG...eternally. Heaven is eternal because the process is eternal. We are in the process of becoming Heaven.
DKV: AS I said there is nothing called as NeverEnding. God(or Godliness) can be reached.
What makes things never Ending is the technology.
The limitation of the medium of expression.
Including the theory which I had laid down for the mass benefit.The net result is a continumm of Answers.It says the degree of possibilities increase or decrease with your technology.
If landing on the Moon rules your imagination then there must be a much more efficient means to do so.Otherwise why so much of Space has been wasted when all you were asking for was the Moon.