I don't know about the hospital patients being testiments against faith. But, I do understand your point about people being willing to sell their soul for a cure.
It IS a testiment to love, though. Because the family members of the patients would equally have given anything to help alleviate the suffering of the people they love. It may be just as hard to watch someone you love suffer than it is to endure the physical suffering yourself.

Some of the situations I've endured I wouldn't wish on my worst enemey let alone someone I love, but I'm glad I suffered them because they give me character. I wouldn't trade them.

Suffering is one way of showing us who we really are. If our emotional strength wasn't tested by suffering, then we'd never know our true selves.
As in DA's example, in supporting someone through cancer. There are a lot of people who can't handle it. They wouldn't be able to go to the hospital. They wouldn't be able to meet and get to know anyone because the personal emotional pain would be too intense. But it's so worth it to show someone how much they are loved. So worth it to show yourself how much love you embody.

Some people never get to fall in love. Would those of us who have loved trade falling in love and the suffering we endure because of it for never having loved at all? Imagine your life ignorant of love... ignorance is a kind of bliss .... but that bliss is incomparable to the bittersweet emotional experience of love and suffering.

I guess love and suffering are our rewards for existing.

I guess the world of suffering could exist just so we can appreciate an eternity of peace. The meaning of life could simply be to endure suffering.

I like the idea of an eternal peaceful existance. To experience love without suffering and live with beauty.

With the idea of the Ancient Mind... It would have to create at least a small amount of suffering for each of us in order to experience peace, right? It wouldn't recognize peace without experiencing suffering first.
