You're white!? You had me fooled.

Many of these silly torture victims would denounce god at that moment and resume the belief many years later when they are snug in their beds with some hot-chocolate, with the belief that they would be forgiven for their betrayal. What does this tell you about them?

The subject of torture brought madness to my mind (since the purpose of some tortures is to make the victim mad enough to not know what they are saying or revealing), so how does your religion explain what happens to these people that have senile dementia, multiple personality syndrome, amnesia etc... Do people with multiple personalities have multiple souls?

Here's a funny story, in Britain we have this thing called the Alpha Course, for christians to strengthen their belief. I went to 3 sessions as a favour to someone -later I was so proud of being an atheist that I made myself an atheist logo -THESE PEOPLE WERE ABSOLUTE MORONS. We would all sit in a circle like a bunch of saps and ask questions, my question one time was the multiple personality one, want to know the answer I got? Oh, ah, well (long pause) that question requires a lot of thought, shall we talk about it next week? Did they talk about it next week, yup -you guessed it -NO.

P.S. I don't actually wear the atheist logo. It was just made in the spur of the moment.
I'm not that sad. smile