So for my lifetime my King I is incapsulated by my senses. And throughout my lifetime King I learns. What happens to the learning when I pass on?
REP:Your existence has already changed the Information Content of the Universe.After Death you may or may not have an option of carrying the information.But consider from the point of View of Human Learning Process and Psychology.What lesson will you like to carry on in the next possible world? Do wish to remember all the theories you were told ? Will you like to be called Ancient in your next life? Will it be possible to learn something new without forgetting some old doubt(knowledge comes from doubt)?Will you be able to cope up with the emotional consequence of finding your own people forgetting you at several occasions(slowly but surely)?
What would you like to carry in your next world?
Surely you will loose things which are false.Things which can inhibit your growth in the next possible life.Death is often called the death of some doubt.It provides something which is for certain.Beyond Doubt.Death helps life to maintain its joy.
Think if no one dies then what kind of Life we will have ? Some problems will remain forever just as some lucky guys will remain happy forever.
Some Indian Saints try to become those lucky ones but they often choose informational death over Physical Death.They reduce there Information content to one concept and then finally Nothing.
(But this is not the only way to remain to happy forever.)
Does my learning only bennefit the life consiousness only if I use my learning to infuluence others?
REP: Your interaction no matter how small will defintely trickle down in the Ocean of Conciousness.Learning to influence others in what sense? I mean few teachers do not speak a word and tell the whole story.Its a fact.
All they demand is total surrender to their methodology.
And will my particular stran of the King I or my piece of God, piece of myself dissipate at my death? So I as a whole will not die, but I as Justine will no longer be experienced.
REP: Again why will you like to be remembered as Justine.
I am using Evolutionary principles of Learning to derive possible meaning of Death.
yes you will definetly carry your passion.
But why? To answer this we need to more research in the physical nature of Life and Death.
So with this concept, I get to be GOD. But I also get to die.
REP: Wise men do not disregard this fact of life.
And they know what to do without fear of destiny.
The most important part is the realization that Death offers a unique opportunity to Grow Beyond what you are today.Just as every technology needs to forget the old one without forgetting the principles...we die to forget which is ought to be forgotten and to remember whatever is worth remembering.Suicide or Murder do not give to benefit of a graceful exit.
No heaven unless we make it for ourself on earth.
REP: Yes ... we need to make it.But the technology is very old.