Interesting point. So would you say technology is the material representation of our subjective passion (imagination, hunger,)?
REP:This question has immediate consequence of asking who was the first Man.When did he first imagine and what?
I would like to give this answer later but let ask a more interesting and reachable answer.
When was the Universe Born ?We reply as if there was a time when it never existed.
Now imagine Universe as a consequence of Subjective Interpretation of some Ancient Man.
So it becomes a brilliant answer to your question ..Evolvution is all about becoming that Ancient One.It is drastically different than what current Science would tell you. But the advantage here is that you get to know your ultimate Goal...And gives meaning to your existence.It gives all of us a supreme father.
That our passion is our SEARCH for happiness, knowledge, inner peace, etc.?
REP: Yes.Indeed.
But I wonder, if we were to find inner peace, would it be in reaching with our technology towards the moon and beyond?
REP: Why not ? I mean if someone can discover America and make it make a World to remember in almost every memory...Then why cant we ask for more ...but sadly the sequential evolutionary method doesnt work. Some will like to go the Moon and Beyond and Some will like to go beyond Galaxie and Some will like to be the Ancient Man(or whatever).
There many immediate Options but only one final Answer.
Or would we find inner peace by reaching with our technology towards the earth, within nature's fragile balance and within each other?
REP:Honestly there is a need to see Earth in a new light of this discovery.Why is it required for us to remain alive on this planet? How does it matter to the poor, weak and depressed?
Answers you will have to find in our evolutionary Past.
You said Godliness can be reached. If that's true then that implies reason for search.
REP:Yes if Godliness means knowing all.All can be known and it offers benefit similar to what humans have over Monkeys.
Perhaps Godliness can be realized instead of "reached".
REP:The process of Reaching leads to Realization. It is as mechanical as that.
But without anyone of them the question is meaningless.
I can realize that at the deepest level everyone around me feels just like me at thier deepest level. They just have different perfections and imperfections than I do. And the concept of God feels just like me without the imperfections.
And the concept of Devil is just me WITH all the imperfections.
REP: Sincerely your emotional valuation of Devil needs to replaced by Knowledge.All your imperfections need to be understood in the light of Knowledge.Why is it that imperfections exist in the first place?
The very seed which gave us perfection also gave us imperfection.It is possible to go beyond both.
The love and knowledge makes this possible.