Originally Posted By: paul

ft^2 is nothing but units and symbols that have no value.

People use ft^2 all the time. They also use s^2, and you use it too to describe acceleration. It's not meaningless. a ft^2 is the area of a square with 1ft side lengths.

ft is not a unit of area. If you have a 1000ft apartment, you have to decide which distance is 1000ft. Maybe it's the length, or the perimeter, or something else. But it's not the area.


its clear to me because of the ^2 , because I know what 12 ft^2 (twelve foot squared ) means.

You actually will get ripped off if you try to by some carpet or an apartment or whatever. Every other person thinks 12ft^2 means something different to what you think it means. The confusion you talked about in the timber shop won't occur in the real world because nobody else thinks 12ft^2 is 144ft.


2bananas * 2 bananas = 4bananas^2 ( FOUR BANANAS SQUARED)

what do you think he really meant?

Apply PEMDAS and you will know what it means to me.

Do you agree to these:
2 * 4^2 = 32
(2*4)^2 = 64

Last edited by kallog; 10/04/11 08:32 AM.