No. You don't understand it. That does not make it incorrect.

2 bananas * 2 bananas = 4 bananas^2
I say the below is true
2 bananas * 2 bananas = 4 square bananas

then that would mean that if you wanted to cover your
living room floor with carpet you would use the above equation.

say the dimensions of your living room floor is.

2 ft * 2 ft = 4 ft^2 = 4 ft squared
it isnt 4 square ft
its 4 ft squared

its the exact same equation and result as your banana equation.
all I did was exchange the units of bananas with units of ft

2 bananas * 2 bananas = 4 bananas^2
2 ft * 2 ft = 4 ft^2

am I correct in assuming that you think the above is correct?

What happens if, for example, x=3?

we were not using x as a number

x described units of a number

like 2 bananas

or 2 feet

or 2 Newtons


I know this seems incredible to you. But look at that problem above on 2x * 2x. If we can resolve this, then maybe we get around this impasse.

in other words as long as I can say that you were right then we can continue correct?

thats the way purchased science works , not real science.

square feet

Answer: 2 bananas * 2 bananas = 4 bananas^2 (4 bananas squared)

its 4 square bananas not 4 bananas squared.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.