Originally Posted By: paul
the wiki article is using the wrong units for sq ft
it is using ft^2 like you do.

I say 5 square feet = 5 ft^2

You say 5 square feet = 25 ft^2

Again, can you find a reference? Or any documented case of anyone anywhere using your way? Try looking at advertisements for apartments. I did.

Hang on! Why are we talking about this? Let's just not use words "square feet" or "square meters" or "square anythings". That'll solve it.

Going back to my list. Which do you agree with?

2x * 3x = 6x^2 [Paul says no]
2m * 3m = 6m^2 [Paul says no]

2x * 3 = 6x [Paul says ??]
2N * 3 = 6N [....]

2x * 3y = 6xy
2N * 3s = 6Ns
2gallons * 3seconds = 6gallon-seconds

2m/s * 3s = 6m
2gallons/second * 3seconds = 6gallons
2kg.m/s/s * 3s = 6kg.m/s

Last edited by kallog; 10/01/11 03:47 AM.