Originally Posted By: paul
point me to the post where I said 5 sq ft = 25 ft^2

Sorry, my mistake. Anyway let's stop using "square.." or "sq .." entirely. We don't need them. Stick to ft^2 or other usual math notation.

Back to the list. I added one at the bottom:

2x * 3x = 6x^2 [Paul says no]
2m * 3m = 6m^2 [Paul says no]

2x * 3 = 6x
2N * 3 = 6N

2x * 3y = 6xy
2N * 3s = 6Ns
2gallons * 3seconds = 6gallon-seconds

2m/s * 3s = 6m
2gallons/second * 3seconds = 6gallons
2kg.m/s/s * 3s = 6kg.m/s

1ft^3 = 1ft * 1ft * 1ft [Paul says yes]

Last edited by kallog; 10/01/11 04:00 AM.