Finally you acknowledge that ft^2 means ft*ft!! Right?


ft^2 must have a number in front of it to be something.

ft^2 is nothing but units and symbols that have no value.

its exactly like saying

nothing^2 = nothing and being correct.

To check you know PEMDAS

I write correct equations.

you and TFF dont.

12 ft^2
Clearly the 12 is not being squared

its clear to me because of the ^2 , because I know what 12 ft^2 (twelve foot squared ) means.

plus if the 12 wasnt to be squared then why was it included into the 12 ft^2

why not just put
12 ft?

when TFF wrote

2bananas * 2 bananas = 4bananas^2 ( FOUR BANANAS SQUARED)

what do you think he really meant?

after all he did clearly WRITE IT OUT when he wrote
to describe what his answer meant.

what do the words ( FOUR BANANAS SQUARED) mean to you?

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.