They do add to zero. But it doesn't matter. We established that the idea won't work. You repeatedly claimed that it would. Those were lies.

you used 5 stages to calculate a 6 stage event.


+1 accelerator.
-1 1st turn.

+1 2nd turn.
+2 accelerator.
-3 1st turn.

allow me to fix that for you.

+1 accelerator. = +1
-1 1st turn. = 0
+1 2nd turn. = +1

(+1) + (-1) + (+1) = +1

+2 accelerator. = +3 , +1 from 1st cycle , +2 from accelerator
-3 1st turn. = 0
+3 2nd turn = +3

result = +3 momentum

They do add to zero

no they dont - another lie for you.

We established that the idea won't work

we never established anything because of your dishonesty.

in an event that has 3 stages for 1 complete event.

you must include all 3 stages and you didnt.

you were adding incomplete events with only 2 stages then adding them together to get zero.

when you make a spill like the one below.

Don't you wonder why you never implemented any of your ideas? I keep telling you you'll get a Nobel prize. And you will. But you aren't interested in improving the body of scientific knowledge. You just want to fool yourself. Actually trying it will show you it doesn't work and you can't handle such a blow to your ego - even if you never tell anyone, you'll feel like a failure. Better to imagine you're right and keep the truth buried from your sight.

it only shows that you know Im right and your wrong as usual.
besides I watch fox news network sometimes just to find out what the dishonest politicians are scheming to do.

so Im aware of your type of dishonesty thanks to the republidiots dishonesty.

your mentality on this is as follows.

you work for 1 week and get paid $100.00
you go to the store and buy $100.00 of groceries.
you leave the store and determine that you did no work last week because you have no money.
even though you have $100.00 worth of groceries.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.