You come along and say that you can fit a circle around a square

Now, there’s something I didn’t say. However, since you mention it, even an idiot could fit a circle round a square, given the right proportions, so perhaps I could.

It is not my job to answer your questions

True, but surely posting a possibly controversial idea is tantamount to inviting questions. If you are choosy about the questions you are prepared to accept, you should stipulate that your posts are not intended for people who think for themselves.

and it is questions like this that I have difficulty bothering to answer.

That sort of statement usually means “questions I have difficulty answering”. Past experience suggests that there are vast numbers of questions you cannot be bothered to answer. Perhaps I should admit that it is a waste of time asking them.

What am I meant to think? That you are an idiot

If that is what you choose to think, that is entirely up to you. Possibly you think that anyone who does not accept your pronouncements without thought or question is an idiot.

Am I an idiot? Could be that a person who persists in trying to engage an obviously ill mannered bigot in a reasonable discussion could be considered to be an idiot. However, that’s a matter of opinion.

There never was nothing.