
You are still showing a lack of understanding of physics, you wrote:

“When pangea forms the COM moves away from the COR; it moves towards pangea, as pangea has more mass that(sic) the oceanic crust on the antiopde(sic). So COR != COM in this situation. This creates a precession, and thus a force.”

Not quite:
As Pangea forms, in increments, there is a corresponding tiny incremental movement of COM toward Pangea. However, it is not this tiny shift in COM that produces the force you mention. What produces this force is the wobble resulting from the imbalance of the moment of inertia due to the mass difference between Pangea and its antipode. It is not the mass shift alone; mass, angular velocity and radius (of shifted mass) come into play.

If the Earth did not spin and this formation of Pangea occurred, the mass imbalance would be too insignificant....i.e., no wobble and no core shifting.

I know that you will comment with something like “ That’s the same thing I wrote only you wrote it a little different.” Sorry, I’m not buying that.

You then wrote:
“This precessionary force causes the core to move away from pangea - a statement to which you agree. Since the core has greater density than the surrounding material, this means that the COM will move in the same direction - also away from pangea.”

Yes, although I would call it a “wobble” force instead of “precessionary.”

You then wrote:
“So when pangea forms, COM moves towards pangea, and thus away from the COR. When the core moves, it moves away from pangea and thus towards the COR.”

Let me rewrite this with a little more accuracy:
So when Pangea forms, COM incrementally moves toward Pangea in extremely tiny amounts, and thus away from the COR. When the core(s) move, which occurs at the same time Pangea is consolidating, they move away from Pangea at a much higher rate (of distance) than the tiny movement of COM towards Pangea due to its consolidation. Since the core(s) movement is much, much greater than the tiny shift in COM due to the consolidation of Pangea, the net effect is that the Earth’s COM moves away from the COR away from Pangea.

Finally, you wrote:
“When the position of the COM = the position of the COR there will be no further processionary(sic) force, and thus no more movement of the core.”

Totally wrong. If you read the statements above, the Earth’s COM is always moving, starting at the COR and away from the COR, away from Pangea because of the great disparity between the tiny shift in COM toward Pangea due to its consolidation and the greater core(s) shift in the opposite direction due to the reaction force from the wobble.

The scenario would be.....a continent moves toward Pangea (with a tiny shift in COM toward Pangea) imbalance in moment of inertia occurs causing the Earth to wobble.....the action-reaction force pushes the core(s) away from the COR away from Pangea. Obviously, this was a multi-million year process.

I don’t want to comment on your other statements at this time because the above issue is the crux of our commentary.
