I really cannot understand how one can embrace atheism, one doesn't need to go further then oneself. How can a sophisticated human being have been created by accident. Then that trully means we are alone in this universe. Note how the moon and the sun are so different in size and yet are positioned so that they appear exactly the same size in the sky. Note how the moon brightly illuminates to give light at night.
By the way, did you ever consider how the suns rays are converged by the curvature of the atmosphere to give us warmth. Out in space the sun seems distant from our planet, it is the curvature of the atmosphere which acts as a magnifying glass that makes the sun appear large to us. Have you ever noticed how when the sun and moon sets they appear larger. Scientists have not yet found out that the upper layers of the sky form a globe around the earth. This is what heats our planet. The destruction of these upper layers are what is causing the curvature to change leading to change in the refraction. This coupled with the emitted gases is what will destroy this perfectly planned planet. Think about how we see in colour, why are flowers brilliantly coloured. Insects dont see those colors they see something else. So what were flowers made so beutiful for. How come so much on this planet is edible for man, who planned this. All the fruit, grain, meat. How these are digested by bacteria which are benevolent to man. Come on, be serious, how can you even dare consider that there is some greater power out there. Throughout my life I have heard God's voice, he speaks to me from the time I was a child I conversed with Him and He has assisted me many times. In 1990 my wife became pregnant and after three months she developed odema from high blood pressure. My doctor phoned me one afternoon to come urgently to his surgery. He explained that my wife and unborn child were to be hospitalised and recommended an abortion to save her life. I refused, not out of selfishness but because I knew God could intervene and save them both. I prayed intensely to God to save my wife and child. God told me not to worry, everything would be alright, he even dried the tears right before my eyes. Anyway, for the rest of her term of pregnancy she was hospitalised and by the seventh month her condition was such that they decided they would have to remove the child from her womb. They carried out the operation and my poor son was so small and tiny, the doctor who delivered him told me afterwards that three times his heart stopped beating, but they managed to revive him (Strange don't you think) The doctors were convinced that the child would be abnormal because he too had odema, in fact the Paeditrician who attended to him told me personally, that the child would be abnormal, either blind or brain damaged. Today, my son is well and healthy, and absolutely normal. I am glad that I have a God who loves not only me, you all as well and if only you would discount your foolish belief that He does not exist, you might hear His voice and he might soften your heart to understand Him. Don't look any further than yourself for you are made in His image, and His likeness.

Yes this life is difficult, and what we see around us makes us wonder, but then faith in His goodness will make you see the light.