
I really don't know where your strong dislike of anyone who dares to believe in anything not scientifically provable comes from. I would urge you to chill out a little - it's not worth getting so upset about.

As for proof (unfortunately non-empirical - but philosophically speaking, a weak proof, and one that is strengthened when combined with other weak proofs).

I have time and again seen people's lives transformed beyond belief when they have had a real encounter with Christ. And I used to work as a counsellor and know what change is possible through therapy, and also what change is possible through medication or even mind altering recreational drugs. Not one of these vehicles for change can even remotely shadow the complete reversal of utterly broken people, sometimes suicidal people that I have witnessed.

And of course I am one of them.

Now feel free to discount what I say - feel free to underestimate the degree of personal transformation I have seen, belittle me, call me a liar, call me ignorant, call me gullible, call me stupid, illogical, sentimental and emotion-rich - I won't be offended.

But none of that will change the veracity of what I say - not one iota.

Now as a man who has more than a passing interest in science, I am sure you would not expect me to deny what I have witnessed and experienced first hand, because I know enough about psychology to know that what I have seen is unparalleled elsewhere within society.

People who come to Christ find their lives transformed beyond recognition, and for those, like me, that have had a crappy experience of life there is peace and more importantly hope (for this life - not the pie in the sky next life that you would detest).

It would seem, from all that you say, that you would like to deny me this, so that you can have your religion free planet.

Yours pretty much unoffendably,
