[Philege in quotes]

"The question was 'Would an atheist world be a better one' and I only gave my opinion."

And I only disagreed with it. You claim there would be 'no source of responsibility.' I disagree whole heartedly. You say that people would not reflect before they act. I disagree. You say there would be no respect for human values. I disagree there, too. I disagree, at least in part, with everything in that post.

"What do you mean by 'your whitewash of religion' and 'your back handed comments'."

Re-read your post.

"Ok, consider the Soviet Union when 'Communism' ruled the day there, they were atheistic, so why did the West fear them so much?"

Perhaps because they were competitors of ours who boldly stated that they'd crush us?

Their ideology went way beyond atheism. They were anti-religion because organized religion is essentially another form of government. They didn't like others competing for the hearts and minds of their citizens.

"Well if they were so wonderful why were people like you praying day and night for their downfall."

You are claiming that they were our enemies BECAUSE they were atheists. They were our enemies because they CHOSE to be our enemies. Atheism just happened to be part of their ideology.

"If you don't consider yourself an atheist, what then do you consider yourself to be."

That has nothing to do with this argument, but you can call me a pantheist, I suppose.

"The fact that in the past some wicked people chose to interpret the bible for their own twisted ends doesn't make religion bad, only the people who abused it are bad and wicked."

Yes, some people are bad, no doubt about it. From my experience, that is largely unrelated to their belief or disbelief in God. Many of the atheists I've spoken to don't believe in god BECAUSE of all the evil they see.

So you think that nature made you, an intelligent living being, so complex and wonderful, therefore you must have atheistic leanings, well why don't you just admit it."

Understanding the workings of nature gives us a small window of insight into our creator. Why are you making these simplistic assertions without knowing a thing about me?

"By the way considering the Soviet Union was atheistic, I must say, they banned a lot of immorality in various forms, (Prostitution, drugs, etc)..."

So are you saying that atheists can have morals, in spite of the fact that they don't attribute them to a supernatural entity?

"...they also sought to share all resources equally (Wasn't that wonderful)but were people happy that they were being deprived from worshiping God.Certainly not!"

Apparently you think I'm a communist or communist sympathizer. I can assure you that I am not. Also, their resources were hardly shared equally -- all they did was replace one ruling class with another. I also am adamently against people telling other people what they must believe about spiritual matters. Spiritual matters are highly personal.

"Today, religion has sprouted once again and people there appreciate the freedom to be able to do so once again. They are much happier now that they can freely pray and worship."

That they are much happier now is debatable. That any added happiness they have is a result of their being allowed to follow a greater selection of spiritual paths may be true. I'm not convinced that all is peaches and cream over there, now that their brand of communism has officially fallen.

When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross."
--S. Lewis