Peter wrote:
"Just by reading your contributions it is easy to see that some people are more Fundamentalist in style than others, and that being an Atheist does not protect you from being a hard core Fundamentalist or stop you from trying to convert others to your beliefs."

Au contraire. I don't give a rip what you or anyone else believes. What I do care about is brain washing children and committing immoral and unethical acts while hypocritically justifying them by claiming god supports the act.

In the privacy of your own house you can be as smart or as stupid as you wish. Smoke tobacco or crack. Drink scotch or strychnine. Not my problem.
Just don't do unto others.

In short I'd be happy to shut up about what's wrong with Christian faith-based nonsense if Christians would do us an equal courtesy and stop trying to market the product.

DA Morgan