Originally Posted By: Orac
Originally Posted By: Stephen J Gould

As in 1925, creationists are not battling for religion. They have been disowned by leading church men of all persuasions, for they debase religion even more than they misconstrue science. They are a motley collection to be sure, but their core of practical support lies with the evangelical right, and creationism is a mere stalking horse or subsidiary issue in a political program...The enemy is not fundamentalism; it is intolerance.
Beware of Stephen J. Gould
17 Post author: Eliezer_Yudkowsky 06 November 2007 05:22AM

Followup to: Natural Selection's Speed Limit and Complexity Bound

If you've read anything Stephen J. Gould has ever said about evolutionary biology, I have some bad news for you. In the field of evolutionary biology at large, Gould's reputation is mud. Not because he was wrong. Many honest scientists have made honest mistakes. What Gould did was much worse, involving deliberate misrepresentation of science....

Intelligent Design Has Scientific Merit in Paleontology

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!