I'm sure we've been enticed into discussing will power before. In my reply, as I am being urged to adopt an interrogative style--- here goes---

What on earth has willpower to do with God and Science?
Is will power like god because it is invisible?
By what scale of 1--10 would one measure will power?
Is Bill S right when he states that will power is able to be studied as a topic in a science thread because god is?
Does any of this make sense?

That's enough. It's exhausting asking questions. It makes me feel very aggressive. Maybe that is why girls were encouraged to find agreement in discussions when I was growing up (long ago!). Now THERE is an interesting behavioural science question, the place of mediation in the education of girls! However it takes us no further along the discussion path of god's place in science.

It comes back again to the question of belief---
Or- to placate Rev... Do you think it comes back to a question of belief?