Originally Posted By: Bill 6
I don't understand.

Why “Hitch-hikers’ Guide”? To answer that question it is first necessary to consider what we understand by a hitch-hiker. Obviously, it is, in the strict sense, someone who travels by seeking and accepting “lifts” from other travellers who are going in the same direction. Essentially these hitch-hikers fall into two very broad categories. The first includes people who simply want to get from A to B, but do not have their own transport, and cannot, or choose not to, use public transport. The second category includes those who are travelling for the joy of travelling, and for whom the carefree uncertainty of hitch-hiking adds something to the pleasure of the experience.

The hitch-hikers to whom I refer have much more in common with the latter group than with the former. I refer here to people, like myself, who have no particular expertise or training in science, and are not professionally involved in scientific pursuits. I consider myself to be a hitch-hiker, and suspect that there are lots of others on this forum.

There never was nothing.