Your having sent three posts has complicated the procedure however I feel that I have said all I have to say on the subject of the claimed expansion of the universe preferring instead to accept the Occam's razor/Einstein's simplicity complying concept of the tired light theory which in my opinion, although obviously unacceptable by a vast majority of physicists, has never been disproved.

Space is a void that, however, contains random items of matter resulting in a medium of minimal density thought to average one atom of matter in a matchbox sized area of deep space however there would be a lot of free atoms in a distance of several million light years whereby light from distant galaxies would be absorbed/emitted by that 'medium'.

The greater the distance of those galaxies from us the greater the number of atoms - ergo the greater the redshift.


I made no suggestion that Einstein, having referred to the concept of 'curved spacetime', was wrong.

I believe that the phrase is merely an extravagant description of a gravitational field employed in order to impress us commoners ergo a contradiction of his suggestion that we should keep things as simple as possible.