I have had a think about Money, and World Monetary values.
Its quite obvious that there are rich and poor countries, in just the same way as there are rich and poor people.

But there is absolutely no democratic way you can take from the rich to help feed and clothe the poor, of the World..... I mean the whole Worlds poor.

What is really needed is- Complete World Currency Revaluations

This is my serious thought as to how this revaluation might be achieved.
In the main, individuals get rich because they work hard.
Generally hard work achieves wealth and fame.

The Country that has a hard working population. would, in the same way, become rich.
In order for any country to achieve its true monetary value, and the recognition of its currency on a par with others.
Its currency VALUE should be adjusted in relation to all the other World Currencys

Here is how I think World Currency values might be adjusted.
Every country would adjust its Currency Values according to
the value of its yearly exports.

I will determine the wealth of every Country by dividing the value of its its Exports by the number of people it has.

Every country in the world would would do the simple division sum:- Yearly Export Value/Population.

Here are a few examples, not absolutely correct....since I only have the 1991 the Gross National per capita instead of actual annual Export figures, but the Population figures, for that year are correct. Figures below show the idea.

Export/Population Figures are all in Millions, and US dollars

U. K...Exports =17.0m .Population=55.0m....True Value £= $0.30
Egypt .Exports.=0.62m..Population=53.0m .True Value dinar=$0.01
U.A.E..Exports.=20.0m..Population=1.5m. ..True Value rial=$12.5
Switzerland Exp=34.0..Population.=7.0m..True Value sfranc=$4.8
Germany .Exports 17.0m Population.=80.0m..True Value dm.= $0.21
USA. .Exports.=23.0m .Population.=250.0m.... True Value. .$0.090
Australia Exports= 17.0m. Population=17.0m True Value A$ =$1.0

Just a rough figures to show that in real time the United Arabic
Emirates rial, is worth at least 12 X Australian $, which itself is worth 5 X times the value of the German deutchsmark.

If all Rates of Exchange and money transactions, were to be based upon these Monetary RATIO'S, and updated yearly, it would to my mind, make for a much fairer distribution of the worlds wealth.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.