Helpful comments, Ellis. But who gets to decide what is a "fair go"? The collective? Or the individual? A system dominated by socialism? Or one dominated by capitalism?

Would you say that what you describe is a left-wing--let-the-government-do-it--solution? Is it the job of governments to look after the poor? I agree that, like the role of good parents, government help is sometimes needed too help those who are not quite ready--due lack of education and and maturity--to help themselves.

But what do we do with mature people, including the lazy, who just want something for nothing?

Two thousand years ago, Paul, in 2 Thessalonians 3:10, told the early Christians: "Whoever refuses to work is not allowed to eat." Does this sound like Objectivism?

I think that Objectivists--those who follow the ideas of Ayn Rand (Books, Anthem, Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead) would approve.

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As one who wants to avoid the extremes of left and right I see myself as an advocate of a feathers-approach to social justice.

Therefore, I see the role of government to be like that of the tail feathers of birds. Government is there to help the wings cooperate and stay in balance. As I say in my fable, the tail feathers are there to take note that
Everything birds consume, after it has been used to provide for their bodily needs, including energy, pass out the anus. What comes out is not just waste. It contains rich nutrients which it go back to the earth and water and become part of the food chain.
With the help of the head and the wings, tail feathers guide birds, efficiently, to all the supply they need. And they see that nothing is wasted.

Last edited by Revlgking; 04/23/08 01:13 PM.