Yes Revl., I was hoping you'd find that and start it up again.

Originally Posted By: from above
You presage the needed coming Zeitgeist. We need to get back on track.
Also currently synergizing:
Michael Shermer: Mind of the Market: Compassionate Apes, Competitive Humans, and Other Tales from Evolutionary Economics
(Only a few more weeks to get my Kindle!)
(I tear with frustrated anticipation)
featuring: "NEUROeconomics" and dopamine;
...and also related:
Paul Zak, the oxytocin man;
E.O. Wilson, sociobiology;
as well as...
the Political Brain, Drew Westen;
How To Think About Information, Dan Schiller;
the Third Culture, Integrative Sciences.
...and all about Complex Emergent Behaviours.
Sorry, I think I meant....
...and all about Emergent Behaviours from Complex Systems.

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.