Learn what CSIRO is. Is it one of the most highly respect science research organizations on the planet. It is the equivalent to the US National Science Foundation.

Do you only believe that which agrees with your preconceived notions?
i am very familiar with CSIRO, i have been to their site on many occasions

oooooooouu, the NSF...wowsers

rest yer neck, guy

i am familiar with both orgs having been to both sites many times

i too agree that they are respected (sometimes overly so, they are certainly far from absolute authorities), i respect them as well, to a point (i fear i don't hold them in the same reverent awe that you do :-), and agree that they have some very worthwhile content

but the fact still remains, that the specific page you linked to is a political/global warming fundraising/warm fuzzy propaganda page :-)

now give us the specific link(s) to the paper(s)/study(s) that that are housed at that site or linked to via that site, that you would like us to consider, and we will gladly do so

in answer to your Q above...

do i ONLY believe that which agrees with my preconceptions

no, i'm a skeptic

do i believe my preconceptions...sure to a point, as does every scientist on the planet :-)

but at least i try to keep an open mind...and i continue to stay current with many sides of the debate on any given issue that i am interested in

are you suggesting that you are in any way objective on any of this stuff

my views are rarely if ever blindly held...they are generally evidenced...and more often than not, based on the best available evidence

again, we mostly don't differ on the evidence...the evidence is the evidence is the evidence...and most of us that know how to get to whatever evidence is available, wherever it is available, have access to the evidence

you don't own the evidence...we all have the same evidence...what you own is your interpretation of the evidence or your belief in the interpretations of others

once again, we mostly differ on our interpretations of the evidence

now show us your linky, so we can consider the evidence you suggest supports your view :-)