This is going nowhere. You can't answer my question yourself. You keep changing it to things like "reducing growth that might have happened" or "non-agrarian people".

"A farmer walks off his family farm and goes to work in a factory" What reasons did he have for doing that? He's not concerned with theory, he just has some pressure directly encouraging him to do it. Why? Is it really the fault of the foreign companies? Is it because he can no longer buy equipment to operate his farm? Or is it because it's a really bad life, LMC or no LMC.

All you had to say, right from the start was "I don't fully understand how it works, but here are some papers that describe it.". You excessive spew of off-track information adds nothing but just shows how arrogant you are and you inability to understand other people.

Last edited by kallog; 10/01/10 04:32 AM.