Originally Posted By: kallog
Originally Posted By: ImagingGeek
conclusion. War tends to deplete gene pools. That is universally a bad thing - its taken us ~6 million years to develop the diversity we have. A war can

Humans have been fighting since forever. Surely that's all part of the fittest surviving. If you win your fight then more of the weaker individuals are killed and more of the stronger/smarter/etc ones survive.

That's exactly how animals work too. Weak babies are often killed while stronger ones aren't.

As I said, I suspect you knowledge of evolution is limited. You just proved that.

Selection is generally a bad thing. The vast majority of our evolution occurs through drift and mutation. Selection slows that process, and depletes the gene pool at the same time. Too much selection and you go extinct - something which historically has occurred to about 99.999% of all species, BTW.

Not only that, but war is one of the worst forms of selection imaginable - in fact, it probably wouldn't even count as selection because it is indiscriminate in terms of the genotypes it acts against. Wars are rarely won by the biologically superior group (if such a group even exists; which I doubt in most cases). Rather, they are won by those with the largest numbers and/or those with the better technology - neither being an evolutionarily-derived advantage.
