Originally Posted By: Bill S.

This, of course, is true, American markets would undoubtedly be very attractive, but exporting takes food out of an already under supplied area,

OK, so exporting makes it harder for local non-farmers to feed themselves.

But the non-farmer population can be a very small minority. The farmers can export what they like at high prices, and eat the leftovers themselves.

Why are there so many non-farmers? Why did they leave their farms? It was an idyllic lifestyle with not a care in the world.


falling into the trap of over simplifying a horrific humanitarian problem.

Nothing wrong with that. But when you find the simplification is too much, you dig a bit deeper. There is actually a reason that a lot of Africa is in trouble. It's easy to blame outsiders, but it's never been very successful at any time in history.

Last edited by kallog; 09/07/10 01:06 AM.