Originally Posted By: Bill

But then the individual universe that budded from your nothing would not be THE universe. It would be part of the larger universe that it budded from, even if that larger universe consists only of the nothing that it budded from. So then we have the question of whether that superverse is infinite. If it isn't then there is still the problem of what is outside it.

Bill Gill

And then you have your answer .. balancing of numbers/information is the only possible solution to that suggestion.

No other way with logic to solve that problem any other way and I already gave Bill S the problem if you try to invoke a place where logic doesn't hold.

See the answer to the question depends on the definitions contained in the question ... universe, beginning, nothing, logic all have definitions that change the result smile

This goes back to where we all started .. which under your answer now goes too

A) there can never really be nothing and therefore the "ultimate universe" has no start

B) The "ultimate universe" has a start there is a GOD

make a choice Bill.

All you did was move the universe down thru regressions and now we need to define universe start as "ultimate universe start".

Last edited by Orac; 01/24/14 01:15 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.