Remove the word ever ... that implies all time I am not that old and don't have evidence that goes back that far.

As far as I will stretch is "If there was nothing at the big bang, there would be nothing now.”

I am happy to conjecture beyond that (and sometimes do) but not try and make some sort of definitive statement, scientifically my evidence stops at the big bang. The problem is that prior to the BB I have no idea what the laws of physics look like so my observation based logic of this universe is not valid I have no way of knowing even basic things like does time exist there .. remember how Intuitionistic logic works so pre-bigbang is another "flying pig".

If QM and whatever causes it predates the big bang and that's a monumentally huge IF it might be possible in the future to scientifically extend backwards but beyond the big bang otherwise all we can do is conjecture and philosophize.

The idea that there was and always has been nothing is an interesting notion it raises the question why do we always assume that the universe started with nothing. I think as a philosophical or conjectural topic it is an interesting topic but I doubt it couldn't be discussed scientifically.

It's one of those sort of topics Rev K likes which are interesting but ultimately not science.

Last edited by Orac; 02/07/14 04:49 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.