Thanks for the blessing. smile

BTW, the Jews and other semitic people say "peace be with you" whether you're coming or going. The Hebrew is 'shalom'; the Arabic is 'salam'. Both words imply the peace of Eloh (the highest power), or Allah (the highest power). The Israeli airline uses the logo ElAl (Eloh, Allah).

As I have said before, the Greek translation is 'Theos', the highest idea--that is, the basic theory behind the power. The Anglo tranlatation, of course, is God--the highest good.

If I were an atheist I would have no problem believing in the one powerful and good idea in, through, around and behind all things, the material cosmos.

As a unitheist, or panentheist, I am not required to believe in an objective and/or personal god. However, I feel no need to vituperate against those of child-like faith who do. The important thing is: Does our theology, or lack of it, actually inspire us to bid each other, "farewell" and help us to act on that which we say. This is why John says, "God is Love". That is, the doing of good, not just talking about it.

Last edited by Revlgking; 06/10/07 01:53 PM.

G~O~D--Now & ForeverIS:Nature, Nurture & PNEUMA-ture, Thanks to Warren Farr&ME AT