Originally Posted By: DA Morgan
One can throw a deck of cards into the air an infinite number of times using the exact same mechanism and force and get an infinite number of results.


You know as well as I that it would be impossible in reality to recreate the exact conditions for this experiment more than once. Only if the starting conditions and all forces involved could be known to be exactly the same each time would we be able to say what you do.

Whether the universe is determinate or not seems to me to be a question science cannot answer.

If there is not true randomness in the universe then it is determinate and each action will proceed in a defined way from a previous action from big bang to ...

Science cannot prove true randomness exists because it is possible that we simply cannot see or do not understand the causes of the seemingly random occurrence.

Science cannot prove true randomness does not exist because there could always be another unknown layer of random uncaused effects underneath whatever it is we are examining.

Is the weather truly indeterminate? If we had all possible variables are you sure we could not predict it accurately?

How can we know?

It's funny that there is no science in the thread at the moment, but opinion and philosophical musings.

Determinacy & free will seem to be simple matters of personal intuition.

It doesn't feel as if we live in a determinate universe...but that may just be an illusion.
