Ok I'll bite.

You wrote:
"What Jesus has accomplished is in direct proportion to the amount of people who have really engaged and followed him."

So you can basically define all Christians that have ever run a red light or spit on the sidewalk or committed genocide as having "not really engaged and followed him." What a perfect solution of convenience. The ultimate waffle.

Rather than expecting Christ's teaching to have made a measurable difference on this planet you just define out of the realm of what matters 99.9% of the planet's inhabitants.

And yes if Jesus was truly anything more than a mortal trouble-maker he could have, should have, and would have done a far far better job. Poor ignorant slob didn't even know about penicillin. Had he known about it he could have had a real impact on people.

So based on actual lives saved and suffering alleviated I'll take my ex-sister-in-law over Jesus any day. She's real and the people she helps in her medical practice are not just stories in an authorless book. Plus, and it is a big plus, so far not one war has been fought over her.

DA Morgan