When I lived in Beirut I met many Christians and it was clear that their Christianity was a badge of identity, like a passport that shows what country you are a citizen of. It gave them an identity and was about what family you were born into and not what choice you made. It was as far away from authentic Christianity as you can get.

They paid lip service and just did as they pleased. I could discern no impact upon their lives. It was empty and without regard for Christ's teaching.

And yet any atrocity they committed during the war was chalked up as 'another Christian act of barbarism'. In fact the war was less to do with real Christianity as was about ethnicity, tribal feuds or any other kind of division. If they didn't have religion to justify what they were doing they would have found something else.

But of course the world sees it as the evil and bloodthirsty teachings of Christ manifested.

And a revision, Wombat:

What kind of twisted logic is that?

1. [Insert Name] has a humanistic ideology.
2. [Insert Name] commits a terrible act in the name of the humanistic ideology.
3. Humanism is the root cause of [Insert Name]'s action.
