Must be a religious school as what you wrote points to the conclusion being a foregone conclusion.

Historical evidence as in the kind of evidence that would meet the criterion of non-religious history is essentially non-existence.

Political? This isn't evidence ... except for gross human stupidity.

Archaeological ... as with historical ... essentially non-existent.

Scientific ... absolutely does not exist.

Gospel proof? As much as you want. Just as there is a ton of evidence that Tide detergent makes whites whiter and brights brighter.

The reality Shahn is that there is a reasonable amount of evidence that a trouble maker, possibly one with ties to a Jewis royal family, caused a bit of trouble and the Roman's promptly dispatched him as they would any other trouble maker.

Then, it appears, the record essentially disappears for around 200-300 years until the story is merged with a substantial amount of 100% heathen nonsense to create someting that has morphed into the imbecility we read about today.

Was Jesus born in December of the year 1? No! Absolutely No! You'll find essentially as much truth in the story of the tooth fairy or Santa Claus.

But if you really want to do a good job on the report, and I think you do, read the Quran, the holy book of Islam, and learn a bit of the truth.

DA Morgan