meg, what you are ignoring with your diatribe is that

1)man has not allowed them to expand beyond a certain boundary

2) evolution takes time. it does not occur in one generation (save as the result of something like a major virus attack, which i don't believe has ever happen, or the intentional intervention of a scientist, which is likely still beyond their capacity), or even several. it takes dozens of generations for even small change to affect a large part of the population.

3) moving into a new area is not evolution. its territorial migrations. that usually only occurs when the old territory is too small for the population, which in this case hunters have seen to it not happening, or it becomes to dangerous to remain. since hunting only occurs during a small part of the year, and is only allowed for the hunting of males, its not felt to be that dangerous for the species.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.