dehammer wrote:
"is this altrusism, ill leave that for others to decide. all i can tell you is i had to go and that this is why."

Yes it is!

Been there.
Done that.
Got the T-shirt too.

We have a country with leadership that not only never served but intentionally dodged telling us about the noble sacrifice in Iraq. We have Sue, who has apparently never done an altruistic act in her life, pontificating on altruism.

Welcome to the new world where reality = reality show. If it is staged ... it must be true.

Tell you what Sue ... someday when you are out swimming in the ocean ... and you see a shark approaching a child ... you make a decision as to whether to swim toward the child or scramble back to the beach with your tail between your legs. And by all means make that decision based upon the opportunity for fluffing your ego.

DA Morgan