Originally posted by DA Morgan:

Lets take another example IFF. The cooperative behaviour of schooling fish.

When a tuna approaches ... they knot themselves into a ball: Why? They could all just flee in entirely separate directions and decreasing the density of the apparent food source. Is it altruism? Is it self-destructive? Is it a successful strategy? Millions of years of evolution can't be wrong. [/qb]
Not been following this post, been busy, but I am not sure you are right about that Dan.

The reason that a school of fish 'ball'
Is enrirely due to a group of Dolphin that swim very fast around the fish in ever tighter circles.
The Dolphin also release streams of bubbles, further frightening the fish. When corralled into a tight ball. A single Dolphin to enters the ball and grabs a mouthful of fish. The Dolphins take turns at this.
Now thats evolutionary intelligence.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.