And this one will make your day Revlgking

If we define a persons soul as an energy

We can transport energy across time and space.


There is a growing sense that the properties of the universe are best described not by the laws that govern matter but by the laws that govern information. This appears to be true for the quantum world, is certainly true for special relativity, and is currently being explored for general relativity. Having a way to handle energy on the same footing may help to draw these diverse strands together.

Einstein would have been very unhappy but perhaps science is coming back more in favour with religion because the big bang is certainly not the start and end of the story.

So in some ways religion has been a bit harsh on science which simply follows the truth wherever it leads and however uncomfortable it gets.

And finally I thought I would share a thought experiment that shows just how funny reality is ( ... see even 50/50 odds may not be what they seem.

Last edited by Orac; 08/12/11 04:55 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.