Originally Posted By: Bill
Originally Posted By: Orac
Einstein really disliked QM :-)
... And of course he was one of the main contributors to the EPR (Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen) paper about quantum entanglement (he didn't really believe in it) but it is one of the most quoted papers about entanglement. Bill Gill
BG: Does the following, from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, mean that some modern physicists are actually catching up to what some philosophers, theologians and pneumatologists have been saying all along? In Hamlet (Act 1, scene V) Shakespeare puts the following words in the mouth of Hamlet: There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.


2. Exploiting Entanglement: Quantum Teleportation: Quantum Teleportation
Consider again Schrödinger's realization that an entangled state could be used to steer a distant particle into one of a set of states, with a certain probability. In fact, this possibility of ‘remote steering’ is even more dramatic than Schrödinger demonstrated.

Suppose Alice and Bob share an entangled state of the sort considered by Bell, say two photons in an entangled state of polarization. That is, Alice has in her possession one of the entangled photons, and Bob the other. Suppose that Alice has an additional photon in an unknown state of polarization |u>, where the notation ‘| >’ denotes a quantum state.

It is possible for Alice to perform an operation on the two photons in her possession that will transform Bob's photon into one of four states, depending on the four possible (random) outcomes of Alice's operation: either the state |u>, or a state that is related to |u> in a definite way. Alice's operation entangles the two photons in her possession, and disentangles Bob's photon, steering it into a state |u*>.

After Alice communicates the outcome of her operation to Bob, Bob knows either that |u*> = |u>, or how to transform |u*> to |u> by a local operation. This phenomenon is known as ‘quantum teleportation.’

What is extraordinary about this phenomenon is that Alice and Bob have managed to use their shared entangled state as a quantum communication channel to destroy the state |u> of a photon in Alice's part of the universe and recreate it in Bob's part of the universe.

G~O~D--Now & ForeverIS:Nature, Nurture & PNEUMA-ture, Thanks to Warren Farr&ME AT www.unitheist.org