Albert Ainstein predicted that if you travel faster than light, you will travel backwards in time, and shrink. But is that so shure? If you trawel in the speed of light you woud reash you destination (b) at the exact time the light from your destination woud reash you start possision (a) at the exact time. So if you were going faster than light, you woud come to b before the light from b woud come to a. So from a it woud lock that you (c) have traweled back in time, but from you c and b time woud be normal, cuse light is yout a picture of whats happened. So a million lightyears we have the time to trawel from a to b with c. Then, c and light (d) Woud be each fast, and be at a and b at the exact same time, if c traweled each constant as d. So then c woud be this fast -> and d woud be this fast <- . Each fast. But when c came to b, a woud need another 1 000 000 lightyears to see the light from your ship at b. But if c traweled twice as fast as d you woud be traweling --> also twice the speed of light. Then, you woud be at b 500 000 years before d vame to a. Then they woudent see you traweling, cuse you are traweling faster than light. So if you sent a signal when you reached b with the speed -> same 2 000 000 years, but with the speed --> it woud be 1 500 000 years, cuse light still woud be traweling each fast. So if e is speed, the formular woud be: c= -> d=<- e= c=--> d= <- e 1/4 ore somthing. I am not good at formulars, and this is youst my thought.

Everything has a energy. It can be positive ore negative. Sitck to the positive.