Originally Posted By: gan
is that possible to change the direction or speed at which we travel???

Let’s start from the idea that we are all travelling through spacetime at the speed of light. Obviously, not everyone will agree with that, but I thing you will find it is supported by S R. This will mean that any change in our speed through space will influence our speed through time.

We cannot claim that we are stationary in any absolute sense, so we usually regard the Earth as being stationary, and measure our movement relative to that.

When stationary, relative to the Earth, I am travelling through spacetime at “c”.
If I hop into an aeroplane and travel at “v”, relative to the Earth, I am still travelling through spacetime at “c”, so I am travelling through time at “c” – “v”.
I am moving into the future, relative to people on Earth, albeit at a very tiny rate.

When stationary on Earth, my speed through space, relative to Earth, is “v” = 0.
There is no way I can give “v” a minus value, so I can neither increase my speed through time, nor travel back in time.

Having said all that, there are those who believe that it is possible to exploit closed time-like loops to travel back in time, but that’s another story.

There never was nothing.