Originally Posted By: Bill S.

The cosmos is infinite; therefore every part of the cosmos is the whole cosmos. Everything, including our apparently finite Universe, is infinite.

4. infinite: that which is all-embracing, boundless and eternal. Nothing that exists can be separate from infinity, nor can anything that is at any point finite become infinite. Our Universe may be unbounded; it may continue to expand for ever, but it will never become infinite.

I think your first point must be wrong, because a finite part of an 'infinite' thing is not all-embracing, so it's not also infinite itself. You suggested you can't take a finite part, but I think you surely have to be allowed to. Why not? The leftover bits wouldn't be 'infinite' anymore by your definition, but they may still have infinite extent in the traditional meaning of the word.

I wonder if you're getting into some Zeno paradox??