Originally Posted By: pmb

Now please stop using mental health as a point of laughter. It’s like making fun of people with no legs. Don’t you get that? It’s not funny to make fun using an illness to do it. Now stop it!

PMB I assure you there absolutely no reference to mental health on anyone in the whole thread.

Can you cut and paste me a sentence that does that because I am taking this seriously it doesn't make sense to me and I think you all have completely the wrong end of the stick. I have asked AR2 to do the same.

I will start for example and go back to my last comment to Bill which includes the word "sanity" which seems to be the issue.

Here it is

=>So the message in that example is the same as the Einstein example I need you to fill in some more detail we all agree on sanity rules before I can say anything meaningful

So the use of sanity has nothing to do with people or anyone's mental state it is used in definition two meaning "sound reasoning" so in other words sound reasoned rules which is exactly what was intended. The sentence makes no sense if you try to add a persons sanity or definition 1 of sanity in it's place.

I am not sure of how else I could phrase it to Bill S he is asking me to speculate on something where I have no references and no laws (IE no sanity), so if he wants me to comment lets talk about what we know and define some sanity rules (good & logical) ... that is what I believe that sentence says and it is what was intended.

It has nothing to do with Bill S or anyone else sanity or else I would use the correct form which is insane. You seem to be reading the word sanity as an offensive word and I am stunned by that.

I took the accusation from AR2 seriously because I was shocked, I got a translation service to check several of my sentences so I can hardly say I am not taking the matter seriously and they translate the sentences back to me the way they were intended.

So to me you are accusing me of something that I did not do and I am sorry but now I am offended.

Besides my slight dig at AR2 could you please show me a sentence where I did anything with mental health.

90% of the use of the word sanity appears to be in discussion with Bill S and if he thought I was calling him insane I think he would let me know. I used expression like "put sanity under" "use sanity with" which is quite clear in context I am describing the surrounds (usually physics) not him personally.

I have asked Bill S if he thought I was insulting him and until he answers we are stuck.

So I guess I should ask did I call you insane or question your mental health in any sentence PMB?

I have clearly got your back up but now you are accusing me of something that is totally off the planet because nowhere in the whole thread before AR2's comment was there anything about mental health not even remotely.

So you have made an accusation provide evidence can you please show me the offensive sentence because I am sure you have miss read something?

Last edited by Orac; 01/22/14 03:47 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.